April 21, 2010

Some People Have Real Problems

You can't judge a book by its' cover, but you can certainly vaguely know about people from the books that they read.

Recently, I went to the National Library to borrow a few books. I was originally looking for the "Last Lecture" but I could not find it. So I went astray to the self-help section.

It's such a wonderment actually to observe what kind of people read what kind of books. For 15 minutes, I submerged myself in the self-help section, I observed random people. I saw a short fat woman. In which in my mind, was, "Oh-kay, she has a reason to be here." and not to long after that, I saw a beautifully-built, tanned, hot dude who was also reaching the self-help book for confidence. And I was wondering, at which part did he think he was flawed?

Everyone of us has insecurities that we try to disguise, whether it is that flabby tummy, the squeaky voice or even those short toes. Yet sometimes, we disguise our insecurities by attacking other people insecurities so we feel somewhat more superior, or we value ourselves lower so that people will throw compliments and feed that sore egos.

How many of us have ever labeled someone in passing with numbers, "Oh, he is a five", "nah, I think he is seven" and so on. We often forget that we might be subjected to the same treatment, and the worse part is although we might brush it off as jokes, some people with low self-esteem might take it seriously and stick to that number.

So whenever he enters a meat-packing district, he always compares himself to the other contenders. "Oh, he is an 8, I am only a 5, I don't think he will ever look at me.", as much as that mental note to himself, these thoughts project itself and people will actually start to think he is a five when he is actually not.

People are mean, Gays especially are meaner. We are the combination of the worst behaviours from male and female. The sexual-oriented mannerism and the bitchy side.

I have been reading a lot of books about self-help myself, and all of them only contain one simple mantra - believe in yourself.

I know it's easy to talk than to walk but that's it, and you'll find your life an easier route to take.

Repeat the mantra after me, glitters.

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