April 16, 2010

The Stance on Fur

"When they were quite old, the famous painter Salvador Dali and his wife, Gala, had a pet rabbit, who lived with them, followed them everywhere, and of whom they were very fond. Once, they were about to embark on a very long trip and they have debated long into the nights of what they should do to the rabbit. It would be difficult to take him along and equally difficult to entrust it on somebody else, because the rabbit was uneasy with strangers. The next day, Gala prepared lunch and Dali enjoyed the excellent food until he realised that he had eaten the rabbit meat. He got up from the table and ran for the bathroom, where he vomited his beloved pet, his faithful friend of their waning days. Gala, on the other hand, was happy that the one she loved had passed into their guts, caressing them and becoming one body with its' mistress. For her, there existed no more perfect fullfilment of love than eating the beloved."

Milan Kundera, The Immortality


  1. fabulous!

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