Image courtesy of millionface.com
There is one thing in common that me and my girlfriend share between us - it's our taste to men. Well, at least, that's what I think we are, because we usually gush for the same guy.
However, I never used to think, or label ourselves as "potato queens". For those of you who are inconspicuous, Potato Queens is the term, sometimes used pejoratively, inside the gay parlour for Asians who like to exclusively date Caucasians. ( Believe me, I learnt this from the Tyra Banks's Show). Yet my friends seem to think otherwise, solely because my sexcapades footprint speaks for itself.
Well, the reason why I deny this is because I still find some of the Asians, albeit very rarely, arousing. I have a track record to prove so, yet the comparison is such a pale minority. I supposed if I have to defend myself about my adventure, is not the physical beauty that attracts me most. By all mean, I am not a "size queen".
I think the reason lies in my fascination towards the English language. I really find a person with an articulate command of the language incredibly arousing. There's a probability that when it eventually blossoms into something more meaningful, there's always the attraction of communication. That we both understand, jokes and serious conversations, in a very amicably manner.
I know it's such a generalization. The second reason is the sense of independence. It's very rare to see Asians who lead, and take initiative and being independent in their 20s. It's part of the faulty education of always following and never leading. Heck, some of us even stay with our parents till we're in our 30s. In their college years, most Caucasians, not counting the Italians "Bamboccione", are being kicked out from their cribs by their parents.
The counter-part of "Potato Queen" is a "Rice Queen", It's the term for Caucasians who mostly date Asians. I don't really harbour any malice towards them, but usually i always try to avoid them. I live in country where the number of Asians obviously outnumber the Caucasians. This is where they have the bargain point. I don't think i have the values that they are typically looking for to begin with anyway.
I know there's a term for Asians who love Asians, it's called, "Sticky Rice", but I am not really aware of the term for Caucasians who date only Caucasians.
"Mashed Potato" is that chu?