I don't have the problem with the term, although some people find it derogatory, but my girl friend is not my "fag hag". To me, fag hags are women whose social lives revolve around the gays. With my girlfriend and me, it's totally the opposite. She introduces me to the world where i don't belong to but i am very curious to see. My girlfriend will most often than not, bring me to the wonder of her world and in which, I will intently gaze upon, or observe.
When the smoke and liquor façades fade, you are left alone between her and yourself. Or rather, the morning after, if she gets lucky. We often talk, and we review the guys that have passed us by during the previous night. Whether he is a one-hit wonder or someone who is worth keeping for.
By all means, gays are not the expert when it comes to men, we bond with girls mostly not because we both like fashion, but rather over the tragic fate of the victims from a serial one night stand and the concern about ageing. But gays, basically are men, by default are a nympho. So we, at a certain level, have hone our skills to detect sincerity although most of the time, our judgement is clouded by physical beauty. Yet, we always put the best interest of our girlfriends at heart.
This is why a certain straight finds the gays an imposition to scoring a chic. So, this is a tips if you want to score the gay's girlfriends: be comfortable and friendly with both of them, and I'm sure, the guard dog won't bite and they well let you in to the cave of wonders full of harems.
However, most often than not, we are regarded as the excess baggage, and worse, this thought that has been hovering over, usually from the uglier straights. And i really need to emphasize this strongly.
No, we, gays, do not want to fuck every single guy that passed through us.
Bitch, please. If you are ugly in the straight network, you are ugly in the gay world too.
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