A word which I only found out about recently and yet knew its connotation.
Being a person who is ever inquisitive, my endless thirst for knowledge drove me to find out all I could about this word.
Now for those of you who don't know what Pederasty is, I shall tell you.
Pederasty or paederasty is a (usually erotic) relationship between an older man and an adolescent boy outside his immediate family. The word pederasty derives from Greek (paiderastia) "love of children" or "love of boys",a compound derived from (pais) "child, boy" and (erastēs) "lover".
When I first learnt about this, my mind quickly conjured up the word pedophilia. But according to ancient history, this trend has been going on for centuries. In ancient history it was even considered acceptable.
The main characteristic of homosexual pederasty is the age difference (either of generation or age-group) between the partners. In the study of native cultures (according to Geoffrey Gorer, English anthropologist and author), pederasty appears typically as a passing stage in which the adolescent is the beloved of an older male, who may act as a mentor. He remains as such until he reaches a certain developmental threshold, after which he in turn takes on an adolescent beloved of his own.
Now, there are two arguments to this.
One: that the boys were looking up to these older men as mentors, and in time grew to be attracted to them hence the sexual relations
Two: the boys were looking up to these older men as mentors, which later resulted in these said older men taking advantage of the situation and abusing it.
And with further research I discovered that in some societies today, pederasty is still acceptable. Which societies you ask? I shall leave that for you to discover.
I'm not for sexual abuse or molestation of any kind. It saddens and repulses me that children are taken advantage of everyday. And reading on how far back this has been happening and was once considered socially acceptable is even worse.
It's always been fascinating and heartbreaking what new things one can learn everyday.
Read more about it here
Batman and Robin
Because we've all thought it at one point in time...
image courtesy of terryrichardson.com
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