I was bowled over with rainbows and butterflies when I first encountered the scene. Not just because it was light and sweet, but also because it was the first gay scene on a prime time television history. Unlike the infamous scene of Luke and Noah from the daytime soap opera "As The World Turns", this one was, somewhat, innocent. The actors, Mark Indelicato and Ryan McGinnis, who played Justin and Austin respectively, are both still in their teenage years.
I found it such an imposition sometimes to watch most gay-themed films, because they are basically can be categorised into two segmentations; either it is dead-pan serious macabre of death or cheesy cheap-ass budget which purpose is solely to fuel the gay-stereotype of a promiscuous hedonistic society.
Yet, personally, my favourite moment in this episode, is the one where Betty talks with Hilda towards the end of the show. That, glitters, hit a home run to me.
B: Everytime I feel like moving forward, someone reminds me that, I am still just a dork with glasses and braces.
H:But those braces coming off any day now...
B:But what if nothing changes? Then I will have nothing to blame.
H:Oh, Honey, You've got to stop. Somehow, You've got it in your head, that this is your story. You've got to let that go. It's time to come out with a whole new story for yourself. You are who you are. The sooner you are OK with that, the sooner that you see what I see, the happier you gonna be. I swear to God.
Oh-kay, done with the moment of weakness. Set aside those tissue boxes, it's time for some Amanda.
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